Artists and philosopher-Magicians in renaissance period Maurizio Elettrico (Istituto Italiano di Studi Filosofici)
Botticelli, The Primavera
Renaissance produced a complicated plot of communication between art and magical-astrological thought. In this period, the artist is really able to live and to expound the culture of his time even under this specifical side. Actually, he can assimilate the astrological principles and use them for his own intellectual revenge over Christianism (for this research it is very important to analyze texts, or as for Leonardo, of fragments of texts arrived to us, that seem moving along this way). Renaissance culture points out astrology � even if amidst many arguments and opposition � as an instrument of knowledge and also of transformation of human destiny. Astrology is a science deeply involved in the dispute between Neoplatonism and Aristhotelism, that is between an idea of human freedom and a strict conception of cosmic necessity. If Cossa was forced to complain about his condition of inferiority, compared with Pellegrino Prisciani, the astrologer supervisor of Schifanoia�s pictorial cycle in Ferrara, who had treated him �as the last apprentice in Ferrara�; if Francesco Zorzi could impose his programma to Jacopo Sansovino for San Pietro della Vigna, this lack of preparation in the field of hermetics does not concern artists like Parmigianino or Pontormo. Even Cellini was no stranger to this kind of interest, as we can argue from the report in his Vita, where he asks, and obtains, from a necromancer to evoke spirits in Colosseum. So we can underline the increasing interest of artists towards esoterism, interest due also to the reconsideration of art as a kind of philosophy. Now Art seems intellectualized by philosophy�s magical aspects. This process is certaily temporary, but not secondary: sometimes esoterical sciences are in a central position in the philosophical debate of the period. Italian art magnificently develops itself, trying to become a philosophy of images, that is thought of all thoughts, a Gods� philosophy. Gods and stars are finally comined together in compact identities; astrology and neopaganism are two sides of the same coin. Art, coming nearer to astrological aspects of philosophy, includes in itself the new sensibility of a revived neopaganism. Through art, Man can participate of thought of Gods.stars, creators of our destiny and, through them, of God�s unity, origin of any destiny and aim of any end. Giovan Paolo Lomazzo, writer and painter, in his Idea del Tempio reveals the importance of astrology in the artist�s moulding, pointing out along with other basic matters of study like anatomy: �But above all, as a general and particular exercise, artist needs to be a good mathematician, that is doctrinable or disciplinable, so that, by astrology, he can obtain knowledge of skies, signs, rising faces and their �meanings��. Elsewhere, Lomazzo seems to repeat the comparison, by Abraham Giudeo, between artist and astrologers, due to a symmetrical Mercury�s position. For Lomazzo, artist becomes becomes the preferential link between macrocosm and microcosm, between Nature and stars and, moreover, between these and universal culture�s protagonists. Sometimes it seems to imply an odd artist-magician duality. Before Lomazzo, writing at the end of the XVIth century, we can see lots of examples. It is enough to think to Michelangelo�s Giudizio as to a wheel of sky and destiny, to Leonardo�s Diluvio, probably inspired by an astrologer, or to Vasari�s astrological influences: he presents any Vite�s characters through an evidently oroscopal impostation. Astrology and the idea, proposed by Lomazzo, of the artist as both a magician and astrologer, helps to the ultimate transformation of art from techne to episteme, that is from a tecnique to a science, moreover because this destiny�s change, provoked by the use of talismanic, magic-operative application of astrology, obtains real works of art. Renaissance art seems to follow the idea by which a wiseman is he who knows and, thanks to that, he knows how to overlook stars.
Ferrara, Palazzo Schifanoia, Salone dei Mesi (Giugno)
where this thought does come from? |
becomes symbolic, just like the mental representation of the dream, always
referring to other meanings, to other significant beings, producing a
pansymbolism full of congnitive implications. Thus, we create a strict tie
between imagination and image, between image and reality, following the idea
that image and imagination can change world reality or, at least, revela its
mysteries. At least till Pico, the corrispondence between significant things
is founded over the biunivocal connection between overlunar and earthly
world, ad he asserts in Heptaplus's preface, but, in Bruno, this journey
reaches extreme consequences. Anything can become an image of something
else, because anything is connected to the originary unity, because, as
Bruno says in De umbris idearum, anything is in everything: "Unde in omnibus
et per omnia quaelibet posse figurari manifestum est". Any image refers to
any reality and any reality may be an image of any existing thing; moreover,
any image can influence, transform or reveal any existing thing. And the
artist's work is included in this continous sendback, from which Bruno
starts for the cabalistic and astrological application: in the use, made by
art, of the symbolic image and its evocative talent. The great work of art
becomes a moment of infiniteness, thanks to this associative and combinatory
valence of its symbols-images, but it is also a shape able to modify reality,
acting first of all on our mind like a sort of astrological talisman. |
The same concept of harmony is influenced by astrological and hermetical
values. |
Ferrara, Palazzo Schifanoia, Salone dei Mesi (August)
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