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AIRESIS is a project conceived and founded by  Paolo Aldo Rossi, Ida Li Vigni and Massimo Marra.
Its Scientific Directors are Paolo Aldo Rossi and Andrea De Pascalis.
 Ida Li Vigni and Massimo Marra act as Deputy Directors and Coordinators.

The editors are: Carlo Borriello,  Andrea De Pascalis, Ida Li Vigni, Massimo Marra, Riccardo Meo, Lucilla Congiu, Yael Razzoli,  Paolo Aldo Rossi.
Carlo Borriello maintains the English section.

 Riccardo Meo did the Web design and graphics.
Riccardo Meo
and Massimo Marra realized the Web layout.

AIRESIS is a no-profit project, a Web site and an aperiodical update dedicated to cultural reflections; Airesis IS NOT an e-magazine.
collaborators work for free.


Riccardo Meo and Massimo Marra realized the final version of  AIRESIS, but they were helped by :

Paolo Ciaccio, for his Web abilities
Elena Giardiello, for her tasty choice of fonts
Carlo Borriello, for translations and stuff         
Willy Silvestri, for his technical advices
Valentina Esposito, for her Web consulting
Emilia Pacelli, for her graphics advices.

AIRESIS would like to thank all scholars and intellectuals which, with their writings and ideas, both given freely, contribute to create a free and pluralistic cultural project. 


Airesis: the Reasons of Heresy | The Magicians' Garden | Ars Regia| Ex Oriente | Ethnik� | Reason's Labyrinths

  Seasons of Madness | The Divine Husband | Other States of Conscience | Muses' Art  

Sectio Aurea| Therapeutik� | Reviews  | Scientific Committee  | Main Menu

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